Don’t Take the Bait: How to Avoid Phishing

Thankfully, phishing attacks are preventable, as nearly all email attacks require the recipient to physically click on a link or open an attachment. Cybersecurity provider Proofpoint’s ‘2019 Human Factor’ report states 99 percent of all cyberattacks relied on human interaction to execute. You can avoid becoming a victim through your actions—don’t click on a link [...]

2019-10-09T15:43:02+00:00October 9th, 2019|Categories: Cybersecurity|Tags: , , |

No End In Sight: Cyberattacks Continue to Plague Businesses

Cybercrime shows no signs of slowing down, so it’s imperative that businesses take measures to protect their networks. However, many still fail to do so, despite the obvious and well-publicized risks. A plethora of companies don’t bother to implement basic defense measures to protect themselves from common cyber threats, such as malware, phishing, man-in-the-middle attacks, [...]

2019-07-10T15:53:45+00:00July 10th, 2019|Categories: Cybersecurity, Disaster Recovery|Tags: , , |

Is Your Printer Putting You at Risk?

Despite the high cost of a cyberattack, many organizations continue to ignore a major security vulnerability that can pose a serious threat to their data: their printers. Modern printers have evolved into powerful solutions that can have a tremendous impact on workflows by automating manual tasks. These smart devices are essentially networked computers that serve [...]

2019-04-10T16:17:31+00:00April 10th, 2019|Categories: Cybersecurity, Office Technology|Tags: , , |

Ransomware: To Pay or Not to Pay?

Ransomware is a scourge that’s been plaguing businesses and organizations over the past few years. It’s a form of malware, malicious software that encrypts your files or system, denying you access to them. The attacker demands money—a ransom, if you will—in exchange for restoring access to your data. These crimes are more common than you [...]

2019-02-21T16:24:48+00:00February 21st, 2019|Categories: Cybersecurity, Disaster Recovery|Tags: , |

Can Your SMB Afford to Pay a Ransom?

Odds are, your company is more likely than not to be targeted by cybercriminals, according to “The State of Endpoint Security Today,” an independent study of 2,700 mid-sized companies in 10 countries sponsored by Sophos. According to this study, 54 percent of organizations polled were victims of ransomware in 2017. For many of those businesses, [...]

2018-06-27T21:13:10+00:00June 27th, 2018|Categories: Disaster Recovery|Tags: , , |
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