National Title Company: Creating quick access to records due to sudden remote work. Scanned 700,000+ images for 3 Delaware office locations in 60 days.

SUMMARY: Faced with being thrown into remote work, one of the largest, industry-leading title insurance groups in the U.S. needed a way to gain access to files that were being stored in filing cabinets. With the help of IMR Digital, they were able to digitize and backup 708,750 active records in two months, allowing quick [...]

Implement Secure Electronic Signatures Now to Increase Productivity for your Distributed Workforce

WEBINAR: January 21, 2021 | 2:00 - 2:45pm With remote workforces as the new standard, you need a streamlined way to track documents being routed to different individuals to sign. How do you ensure documents are securely stored in a centralized database, routed for authentic signatures, and then stored back into your database to move [...]

2021-01-13T22:54:59+00:00January 13th, 2021|Categories: Business Continuity, Events, Productivity, Webinars, Work From Home|Tags: |

Telecommuting: Is Your Data Secure?

With the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) impacting communities across the US and the globe, more companies than ever are embracing telecommuting as a way to keep their businesses up and running during this uncertain time. The scramble to provide access to email, shared files, and maintain typical workflows can be daunting. But one of the [...]

2020-05-06T20:13:28+00:00May 6th, 2020|Categories: Cybersecurity, Work From Home|

Video Conferencing Security: Keeping Your Remote Meetings Safe

The vast majority of office workers are telecommuting in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, video conferencing has become the new normal for professionals across the globe. This convenient and affordable technology has exploded in popularity and is now the go-to communication medium during the pandemic for talking with co-workers, clients, prospects, vendors, and [...]

2020-04-08T20:04:09+00:00April 8th, 2020|Categories: Cybersecurity, Productivity, Work From Home|
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